How do I get the mode app for iOS?
Due to Apple's unfortunate ban on vaping and cannabis hardware apps, mode runs on Bluefy, a bluetooth browser app for smart devices. It functions the same as a native app.
Due to Apple's unfortunate ban on vaping and cannabis hardware apps, mode runs on Bluefy, a bluetooth browser app for smart devices. It functions the same as a native app.
In 2019, Apple banned all vaping-related apps in wake of the JUUL debacle. This move unfortunately affected medical/recreational cannabis consumers who used apps to control their hardware. Bluefy is our solution to this decision. It functions much li
During our QA process, a practice dose was taken by a vacuum pump to ensure everything worked properly. This dose was stored in the device memory and may show up on your dashboard.
The "cartridge short code" is the abbreviation for the cartridge. For example, Girl Scout Cookies would have a short code of GSC. The mode device can display short codes with a maximum of 4 characters, so feel free to choose what you like when creati
If you're having trouble with the OTA update app asking for a password, it's possible that you accidentally pressed a button intended for internal testing. The OTA app will begin updating automatically after connecting to your mode. Once the update h